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Get value from map returned from function with implicit in Scala

Having an implicit value and function defined as follows

implicit val v = 0

def function(implicit v: Int): Map[String, String] = Map("key" -> "value")

I can do

function.get("key") // res0: Option[String] = Some(value)
function(v)("key") // res0: String = value

but the following doesn't compile


So how can I in one go access a map using parentheses and pass implicit parameter?


  • Here are your options:

    scala> function.apply("key")
    res6: String = value
    scala> function(implicitly)("key")
    res7: String = value

    As compiler can't know if you want to pass an implicit parameter explicitly or call apply method, designers decided it will mean passing the implicit parameter.

    You can either give up on using the syntactic sugar and just use apply that will resolve ambiguity or you can pass the parameter explicitly, but let the compiler find the value.