I want to open different pages from a popup-selector menu in Tizen.
I have 8 menu items and each should open a different page in the same HTML using the active-ui-page class.
I tried doing it using the code mentioned here.
But then when I transfer back to the selector, them indicator-name doesn't change.
Please help me on this.
Try to make sure you are not closing the popup or destroying the Selector. In such way your selector is may be getting nonfunctional. tau.closePopup() will close the popUp window, thus selector won't appear back.
elSelector.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
var target = event.target;
if (tau.support.shape.circle) {
if (target.classList.contains("ui-selector-indicator")) {
tau.closePopup(popupCircle); //**comment out this line**//
//your code
selector.destroy() destroys & removes event listener, which might be the case in your situation, that's why indicator-name isn't changing.
selector.destroy(); //**comment out this line**//
Vice versa for solution try calling the popUp window again using tau.openPopup() :
if (tau.support.shape.circle) {
otherwise call the selector again with tau.widget.Selector()
if (tau.support.shape.circle) {
var radius = window.innerHeight / 2 * 0.8;
selector = tau.widget.Selector(elSelector, {itemRadius: radius});
Code souce : 'TAUUIComponents' (Tizen Sample Web app)
Thank you.