I have a Gradle Java project with embedded jetty server. I want to enable web application support for the same project.
The Intellij IDEA help tells how to enable for an existing project in the below link. https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/2016.1/enabling-web-application-support.html#d1788100e258
But the procedure uses a ultimate edition of Intellij IDEA. I am working on Community edition. Is there a way I can manually enable the web application support on the community edition?
Can someone please provide inputs on this?
Apparently, I did not find a way to enable web application into the Intellij Community Edition.
The reason I wanted to enable web application was to define the servlet context in the web.xml file. There is an alternate way of doing it by programmatically. I defined a ServletContextHandler and set the setInitParameter for the ServletHolder. The below link describes how to do that,