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Esper user defined functions which takes two parameters

I want to write an esper epl expression which filter the events based on the return value returned by my user-defined function, my user defined must take two event objects at a time. so I wrote a query like this.

select window(*), 'CANDLE NAME' as candleType
from CandleStickEvent(myFunction(*) = 'true').win:length(2)

Though this worked it passes only one CandleStickEvent object at a time, but I want to pass the both the objects in the window.

To achieve this I tried following queries as well. But nothing did work.

"select window(*), 'CANDLE NAME' as candleType "
"from CandleStickEvent(myFunction(window(*)) = 'true').win:length(2) "

This gives this error message,

The 'window' aggregation function requires that the aggregated events provide a remove stream; Please define a data window onto the stream or use 'firstever', 'lastever' or 'nth' instead

I tries following query also,

"select window(*), 'CANDLE NAME' as candleType "
"from "
"output when myFunction(*) = 'true'"

It doesn't give any error but my function is never triggered.

Can anybody help me to find a way to fulfill this requirement.

Thank you.


  • In SQL the having-clause is used for filtering against aggregations and EPL is sql-standard conforming. Try "... having somefunc(window(*))"