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Maven site reporting fine for surefire tests, needs extra config for pitest mutationCoverage

If I set up the <reporting> section in my pom as follows, I only get the surefire report, while the pitest report fails because it can't find any input.


To obtain the input to the pitest report so that it outputs to the site reports, I need to do this first:

mvn compile test-compile org.pitest:pitest-maven:mutationCoverage

Do I have to set up each of these in the <build> section as plugins with executions bound to the pre-site phase to get this to happen? Or is there a simpler solution with another plugin I'm not aware of?


  • The maven-surefire-report-plugin however explicity states, that it invokes the test goal of the default lifecycle. The pitest plugin doesn't. So yes, you have to add the pitest-maven plugin to the build section and bind it to a lifecycle phase, i.e. pre-site. I wouldn't recommend the use of the site lifecycle for that purpose as it is not intended for long-running analysis tasks, but that is up to you.

    So the build order is:

    • build lifecycle
      • build the module (compile phase)
      • run the test (test phase)
      • run the mutation coverage (i.e. in verify phase)
    • site lifecycle
      • pre-site (mutationCoverage);
      • generate reports
      • publish reports
      • ...

    I'd suggest to use a profile so the mutation test is not run on every build and you can activate it when needed (i.e. mvn site-P pit)
