I want to add an onComplete handler after I create my TweenMax object but I can't find a way to do it. How would I go about this?
Just to clarify I do not want to do this:
TweenMax.to(obj, 0.5, { x: 100, onComplete: myFunc });
But instead I want to do something like this:
var tween = TweenMax.to(obj, 0.5, { x: 100 });
tween.onComplete = myFunc; // Or however you do this...
Using TweenMax.set(obj, { onComplete: myFunc });
fires the event instantly.
I think I have to dig into the TweenMax object to find the onComplete reference but I can't find it.
Any ideas?
Use eventCallback
, like so
var tween = TweenMax.to(obj, 0.5, { x: 100 });
tween.eventCallback("onComplete", myFunc, ["param1","param2"]);
I got it from here http://greensock.com/docs/#/HTML5/GSAP/TweenLite/eventCallback/