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Major IE8 positioning issues

I know its a not a new concept that my site is perfect on FF,Safari and Chrome but jacked up on IE8. That being said and cutting to the chase. This is the home page that I am working on for a social network for people with CysticFibrosis.

If you can, look at it in FF,Safari and Chrome, and then in IE8 and you will see the issues. I am assuming its a positioning issue since some of the images are not showing up but are there,and some of my j-query is disabled.. I do NOT have IE8 so its hard for me to troubleshoot this. I have a clearfix fix and I was under the impression that IE8 had the clearfix problem taken care of.

If you know what this may be and want to help,please let me know what code you would like me to put on here in order to help solve the problem.

Thanks so much in advance.


  • You already have a great answer, but I wanted to give you a resource so you don't actually have to install IE8.

    You can use this site to test IE6-9, FF2-4, Chrome 5-6, Safari 3-5, and Opera 9-10. It's a really excellent tool!