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How to put a caption on top of Latex table

I want to put a caption on top of the following table in Latex.


\begin{tabular}{ | l | l | l | l | l | l | l | l | l | p{5cm} |}
GT & MT & PT & ML & FP & FN & ID & FM & Rc & Pr \\ \hline
abc & abc & abc & abc & abc & abc & abc & abc & abc & abc \\ \hline




  • You do not make a table, but only a tabular (which cannot have a caption). You have to make a table first, and then a tabular:

        \centering % instead of \begin{center}
        \caption{Here you can type in your caption}
        \vspace{10mm} % Adjust the height of the space between caption and tabular
        \begin{tabular}{ | l | l | l | l | l | l | l | l | l | p{5cm} |}
            GT & MT & PT & ML & FP & FN & ID & FM & Rc & Pr \\ \hline
            abc & abc & abc & abc & abc & abc & abc & abc & abc & abc \\ \hline

    Further explanation: "The table environment merely holds our other environments and allows to add a caption to our table. The actual data is contained in the tabular environment and we center the table on the page using the center environment."