final RuntimeMXBean remoteRuntime =
Where the serverConnection is just basically connecting to a jmx server.
What basically is going on is, this piece of code works fine. Let me explain:
The first call of this piece of code calls to server A, I then scrape some data in it and store it into an xml file. Using this information, start up a new server B.
Then, in wanting to verify B, I want to scrape B to compare the metadata. But when I run it I get the exception
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.lang:type=Runtime is not an instance of interface at )
But, not sure what changes here since the parameters that are giving me problems are managed by the ManagementFactory class I don't have control over.
The problem was with my own MBeanServer implementation.
I had it returning false for the isInstanceOf() method if the passed in objectName returned a null Object. It turns out that this happened at all RunTime Classes so after reading under the Class Loader section, I went with the fact that my ClassLoaderImplementation was incorrect and was loading these incorrectly.
Work around was just to return true in isInstanceOf() for these RunTime classes.