I'm using gulp-coffee to compile my coffee files to js, nothing fancy.
I'm having a hard time figuring how to remove js files (in the dest js
directory) that DO NOT exist anymore in the source coffee
I'm quite sure this does not concern directly gulp-coffee, but I'm kind of clueless and I'm not that proficient in gulp.
My Files structure
/coffee (source)
/js (dest)
My gulp task
gulp.task('coffee', function() {
return gulp.src('app/coffee/**/*.coffee')
.pipe($.changed('./app/js/', {extension: '.js'}))
.on('error', logCoffeeError)
If anybody is interested on the solution of this problem I ended up using this package that does exactly what I was looking for: https://github.com/StevenTheEVILZ/gulp-syncronize
gulp.task('unused', function() {
return syncronize({
src: 'app/coffee/', //Source folder
target: 'app/js/', //Output folder
extensions: {
'js': 'coffee', // Corresponds .js files to the .coffee files;