I'm trying to use the Apache XML-RPC Java client into Matlab, in combination with a python SimpleXMLRPCserver.
From the python server, I try to return a dictionary that is linking strings with lists, juts like the following:
return {'node15': [12,58748], 'node34': [28,45784]}
Then when calling the method from the maltab client, I end up with what matlab calls a hashmap:
{'node15' = [Ljava.lang.Object;@6f02ae95, node34 = [Ljava.lang.Object;@1913f123}
I didn't find a way to extract my list into arrays, my next step was to use values() to extract them, but it only returns a "HashMap$Values" list containing this:
[ [Ljava.lang.Object;@6f02ae95, [Ljava.lang.Object;@1913f12]
It looks like matlab failed to translate the java structure into something it understands.
Any idea what to do with this ?
You need to convert it to array first, then you can use cell
to cast to Matlab native types: