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MS Excel - Sort and Rank Multiple Scores/Numbers in Descending Order

I am looking for a MS Excel Ranking Formula solution, without the use of VBA/Macros or MS Excel's built-in sort function, that will allow me to sort multiple columns in Descending Order containing Ranks (i.e., RANK 1, RANK 2, and RANK 3) against a Primary Field (i.e., PLAYER) and re-sort list in Descending order.

SAMPLE: Triple Ranking And Tie Breaking (Unsorted Ranking)

enter image description here

RESULTS: Sorted Ranking in Adjacent Columns in Descending Order: Sort by Column G (RANK 1), then by, Column H (RANK 2) and then by Column I (Rank 3) with matching/corresponding Player Name in Column J (PLAYER).

enter image description here


  • It's probably easier to do this with the sort, but here's what you can do:

    Make a new column next to player and call it "Overall Rank"


    That will give you an overall rank, the resorting part is trivial, you will do an index match for each column.

    Column G would be: =INDEX(A$2:A$26,MATCH(ROW()-1,E$2:E$26))

    Column E is where the overall ranking formula would go.

    Explanation of the ranking formula:

    RANK() is pretty obvious, that's the rank on rank1.

    The first SUMPRODUCT adds up all players that have the same rank1 and a higher rank2. -- turns TRUE,FALSE into 1,0.

    The second SUMPRODUCT adds up all players that have the same rank1, the same rank2, and a higher rank3.