I want to add a new field to the proposal development, and it should be mandatory one, how can I add it? is it enough to add it to the data dictionary?
Thanks in advance
It is not enough to add it to the data dictionary. You'll need to add it to the:
The recommended way of implementing additional fields is via "extended attributes". Each object managed by KNS/KRAD can have an arbitrary extension object attached to it with institution-specific data. Look to the Kuali Financials Documentation section on Extended Attributes or this presentation on Creating an Extended Attribute.
I've added fields to our instance by subclassing DevelopmentProposal. The above steps are still necessary but it keeps the added field in the EPS_PROPOSAL table, so it's easier to write ad-hoc SQL against it. This way of doing things is not well supported by the software, and I would recommend sticking to extended attributes.