Search code examples

Aggregate query with no $match

I have a collection in which unique documents from a different collection can appear over and over again (in example below item), depending on how much a user shares them. I want to create an aggregate query which finds the most shared documents. There is no $match necessary because I'm not matching a certain criteria, I'm just querying the most shared. Right now I have:

        $group: {
            'item': { 
                $first: '$item'
            'total': { 
                $sum: 1

However this only returns 1 result. It occurs to me I might just need to do a simple find query, but I want the results aggregated, so that each result has the item and total is how many times it's appeared in the collection.

Example of a document in the stories collection:

    _id: ObjectId('...'),
    user: {
        id: ObjectId('...'),
        propertyA: ...,
        propertyB: ...,
    item: {
        id: ObjectId('...'),
        propertyA: ...,
        propertyB: ...,

users and items each have their own collections as well.


  • Change the line




    Currently you group by the constant '' and therefore you only get one document as result.