Search code examples

Synonyms for words by Levenshtein Distance

This is my code:

public void SearchWordSynonymsByLevenstein()
    foreach (var eachWord in wordCounter)
        foreach (var eachSecondWord in wordCounter)
            if (eachWord.Key.Length > 3)
                var score = LevenshteinDistance.Compute(eachWord.Key, eachSecondWord.Key);
                if (score < 2)
                    if(!wordSynonymsByLevenstein.Any(x => x.Value.ContainsKey(eachSecondWord.Key)))
                        if (!wordSynonymsByLevenstein.ContainsKey(eachWord.Key))
                            wordSynonymsByLevenstein.Add(eachWord.Key, new Dictionary<string, int> { { eachSecondWord.Key, eachSecondWord.Value } });
                            wordSynonymsByLevenstein[eachWord.Key].Add(eachSecondWord.Key, eachSecondWord.Value);

My wordCounter is Dictionary<string, int> where key is my each word and value is count how many this word exists in documents. Something like Bag of word. I must search synonyms for eachWord from other eachSecondWord. This method cost too much time. Time increases exponentially. There is other way to reduce the time ?


  • First off I assume you don't want to associate a word with itself in the wordSynonymsByLevenstein collection. Second you can skip ones that you know will not meet your < 2 score requirement by comparing the lengths of the words.

    public void SearchWordSynonymsByLevenstein()
        foreach (var eachWord in wordCounter)
            foreach (var eachSecondWord in wordCounter)
                if (eachWord.Key == eachSecondWord.Key 
                    || eachWord.Key.Length <= 3 
                    || Math.Abs(eachWord.Key.Length - eachSecondWord.Key.Length) >= 2)
                var score = LevenshteinDistance.Compute(eachWord.Key, eachSecondWord.Key);
                if (score >= 2)
                if(!wordSynonymsByLevenstein.Any(x => x.Value.ContainsKey(eachSecondWord.Key)))
                    if (!wordSynonymsByLevenstein.ContainsKey(eachWord.Key))
                        wordSynonymsByLevenstein.Add(eachWord.Key, new Dictionary<string, int> { { eachSecondWord.Key, eachSecondWord.Value } });
                        wordSynonymsByLevenstein[eachWord.Key].Add(eachSecondWord.Key, eachSecondWord.Value);

    Your requirement that is expressed with the if(!wordSynonymsByLevenstein.Any(x => x.Value.ContainsKey(eachSecondWord.Key))) is not particularly obvious or straight forward, but if you don't want a word associated with more than one, then you could additionally add a HashSet<string> and as you associate words add them to that HashSet and check if the next word is in there before continuing, instead of iterating the nested dictionaries.

    public void SearchWordSynonymsByLevenstein()
        var used = new HashSet<string>();
        foreach (var eachWord in wordCounter)
            foreach (var eachSecondWord in wordCounter)
                if (eachWord.Key == eachSecondWord.Key 
                    || eachWord.Key.Length <= 3 
                    || Math.Abs(eachWord.Key.Length - eachSecondWord.Key.Length) >= 2)
                var score = LevenshteinDistance.Compute(eachWord.Key, eachSecondWord.Key);
                if (score >= 2)
                    if (!wordSynonymsByLevenstein.ContainsKey(eachWord.Key))
                        wordSynonymsByLevenstein.Add(eachWord.Key, new Dictionary<string, int> { { eachSecondWord.Key, eachSecondWord.Value } });
                        wordSynonymsByLevenstein[eachWord.Key].Add(eachSecondWord.Key, eachSecondWord.Value);

    Here I used if(used.Add(eachSecondWord.Key))) because Add will return true if the word was added and false if it was already in the HashSet.