Whenever somebody tries to access a non-existant url on my cakephp app I get a missing controller exception like this:
MissingControllerException: Uncaught exception 'MissingControllerException' with message 'Controller class AutodiscoverController could not be found.' in /app/Vendor/cakephp/cakephp/lib/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php:161
I guess this is as it should be, but it creates a problem with New Relic. This is our monitoring application and it will always register these exceptions and notify everybody that there is a problem with the application.
Is there a way to catch the exception or suppress it so that New Relic does not register it?
This is how I ended up solving my problem:
I installed new relic's PHP agent: sudo apt-get install newrelic-php5
Then I configured an ExceptionHandler for my app. In core.php:
Configure::write('Exception.handler', 'AppExceptionHandler::handleException');
In bootstrap.php:
App::uses('AppExceptionHandler', 'Lib');
The handler is located in app/Lib/AppExceptionHandler.php
and it looks like this:
class AppExceptionHandler extends ErrorHandler{
public static function handleException($error) {
if(get_class($error) == 'MissingControllerException') {
if (extension_loaded('newrelic')) {
The handler filters through all exceptions and if a MissingControllerException comes it's way, it uses the New Relic PHP Agent to ignore the current transaction. After the filtering the normal handleException() method by cake's ErrorHandler is excecuted.