I'm hoping I got the right area to ask for this...
Below is some code from two files I'm working on. When I change anything with 'this.
' in the function to an arrow function, the code no longer functions as expected.
Is someone able to explain what I'm doing wrong? Do I need to do something differently when using arrow functions? Am I using 'this.' incorrectly to begin with? Should I not be using arrow functions in this way?
Help is greatly appreciated.
{{#each jobs}}
jobs: ()=> Jobs.find({}, {sort: {jobDate: 1}}),
formattedDate: function() { // Changing this to arrow function breaks functionality
let d = this.jobDate;
let e = formatDate(d);
return e;
shortDesc: function () { // Changing this to arrow function breaks functionality
if (this.description.length > 40) {
return this.description.substr(0, 50) + '...';
} else {
return this.description
jobID: function () { // Changing this to arrow function breaks functionality
let a = this.jobNum;
let e = this.jobType.substr(0, 1);
return e + a
One of the fundamental things about arrow functions is that they inherit (close over) the this
in the context in which they're created. Your code relies on this
being set by the way the function is called, so arrow functions aren't a good choice there.
Here's an illustration of the difference and the problem:
var obj = {
foo: () => {
console.log("foo: this.prop:", this.prop);
bar: function() {
console.log("bar: this.prop:", this.prop);
prop: "the property"
obj.foo(); // Doesn't show `prop` because `this` != `obj`
obj.bar(); // Does show `prop` because `this` == `obj`