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Fully Parsing Timestamps in Golang

I'm trying to make a simple tool which parses JSON-formatted lines in a file and performs an INSERT operation into a database.

I have a struct which looks like this:

type DataBlob struct {
  Datetime time.Time `json:"datetime, string"`

And parsing code which looks like this:

scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
// Loop through all lines in the file
for scanner.Scan() {
    var t DataBlob

    // Decode the line, parse the JSON
    dec := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(scanner.Text()))
    if err := dec.Decode(&t);
    err != nil {

    // Perform the database operation
    executionString: = "INSERT INTO observations (datetime) VALUES ($1)"
    _, err := db.Exec(executionString, t.Datetime)
    if err != nil {

My JSON file has lines, each containing a datetime value that looks like this:

{ "datetime": 1465793854 }

When the datetime is formatted as a Unix timestamp, the Marshaller complains:

panic: parsing time "1465793854" as ""2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"": cannot parse "1465793854" as """

In the script that generates the JSON (also written in Golang), I tried simply printing the String representation of the Time.time type, producing the following:

{ "datetime": "2016-06-13 00:23:34 -0400 EDT" }

To which the Marshaller complains when I go to parse it:

panic: parsing time ""2016-06-13 00:23:34 -0400 EDT"" as ""2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"": cannot parse " 00:23:34 -0400 EDT"" as "T"

If I also treat this timestamp (which looks pretty standard) as a String and avoid the Marshaling problem, Postgres complains when I try to perform the insertion:

panic: pq: invalid input syntax for type timestamp: "2016-06-13 00:23:34 -0400 EDT"

This is frustrating on a number of levels, but mainly because if I serialize a Time.time type, I would think it should still be understood at the other side of the process.

How can I go about parsing this timestamp to perform the database insertion? Apologizes for the lengthy question and thanks for your help!


  • JSON unmarshalling of time.Time expects date string to be in RFC 3339 format.

    So in your golang program that generates the JSON, instead of simply printing the time.Time value, use Format to print it in RFC 3339 format.


    if I serialize a Time.time type, I would think it should still be understood at the other side of the process

    If you used the Marshaller interface with the serializing, it would indeed output the date in RFC 3339 format. So the other side of the process will understand it. So you can do that as well.

    d := DataBlob{Datetime: t}
    enc := json.NewEncoder(fileWriter)