I have an asp.net MVC 4 app.
This is the RouteConfig.cs:
public class RouteConfig
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
routes.MapRoute("Home", "home", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" });
routes.MapRoute("Pricing", "pricing", new { controller = "Home", action = "Pricing" });
routes.MapRoute("AboutUs", "aboutus", new { controller = "Home", action = "AboutUs" });
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
I deployed this fresh to a Windows 2012 server. Worked fine. The routes remove /home/ from some URLs - eg:
After deployment I decided to add 3 new routs - for signup flow:
routes.MapRoute("SignUp", "SignUp", new { controller = "Myuser", action = "SignUp" });
routes.MapRoute("SignUp2", "SignUp2", new { controller = "Myuser", action = "SignUp2" });
routes.MapRoute("SignUpEnd", "SignUpEnd", new { controller = "Myuser", action = "SignUpEnd" });
Just above the Default route. They are there to change:
They worked fine locally. However when I deployed the new RouteConfig.cs to the server - none of the new routes are recognized (and the old ones still are).
I tried restarting the website in IIS, and different browsers even different computers - no effect.
I can find nothing on Google.
I feel like I'm missing something obvious - how can I get the updated routes to be recognized on the server?
You need to deploy MVC apps (as opposed to Web Forms 'websites') - only using the dlls in the Bin directory.
Deploy the bin directory only - the site does not compile dynamically on the web server.
Once I uploaded the Bin directory - it updated.