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Bypass classical deferred shading light volumes

I would like to "bypass" the classical light volume approach of deferred lighting.

Usually, when you want to affect pixels within a pointlight volume, you can simply render a sphere mesh.

I would like to try another way to do that, the idea is to render a cube which encompass the sphere, the cube is "circumscribes" to the sphere so each face's center is a sphere's point. Then you only have to know from your point of view which fragment would be a part of the circle (the sphere on your screen) if you had render the sphere instead.

So the main problem is to know which fragment will have to be discarded. How could I do that: Into the fragment shader, I have my "camera" world coordinates, my fragment world coordinates, my sphere world center, and my sphere radius. Thus I have the straight line whose the orientation vector is modelized by camera-fragment world points. And I can build my sphere equation. Finally I can know if the line intersect the sphere.

Is is correct to say that, from my point of view, if the line intersect the sphere, thus this fragment must be considered as an highlighted fragment (a fragment that would have been rendered if I had rendered a sphere instead) ?


  • Thus the check "lenght(fragment - sphereCenter) <= sphereRadius" doesn't really mean something here because the fragment is not on the sphere.

    So what?

    The standard deferred shading solution for lights is to render a full-screen quad. The purpose of rendering a sphere instead is to avoid doing a bunch of per-fragment calculations for fragments which are outside of the light source's effect. This means that the center of that sphere is the light source, and its radius represents the maximum distance for which the source has an effect.

    So the length from the fragment (that is, reconstructed from your g-buffer data, not the fragment produced by the cube) to the sphere's center is very much relevant. That's the length between the fragment and the light source. If that is larger than the sphere radius (AKA: maximum reach of the light), then you can cull the fragment.

    Or you can just let your light attenuation calculations do the same job. After all, in order for lights to not look like they are being cropped, that sphere radius must also be used with some form of light attenuation. That is, when a fragment is at that distance, the attenuation of the light must be either 0 or otherwise negligibly small.

    As such... it doesn't matter if you're rendering a sphere, cube, or a full-screen quad. You can either cull the fragment or let the light attenuation do its job.

    However, if you want to possibly save performance by discarding the fragment before reading any of the g-buffers, you can do this. Assuming you have access to the camera-space position of the sphere/cube's center in the FS:

    1. Convert the position of the cube's fragment into camera-space. You can do this by reverse-transforming gl_FragCoord, but it'd probably be faster to just pass the camera-space position to the fragment shader. It's not like your VS is doing a lot of work or anything.

    2. Because the camera-space position is in camera space, it already represents a direction from the camera into the scene. So now, use this direction to perform part of ray/sphere intersection. Namely, you stop once you compute the discriminant (to avoid an expensive square-root). The discriminant is:

      float A = dot(cam_position, cam_position);
      float B = -2 * (dot(cam_position, cam_sphere_center);
      float C = (dot(cam_sphere_center, cam_sphere_center)) - (radius * radius)
      float Discriminant = (B * B) - 4 * A * C;

      If the discriminant is negative, discard the fragment. Otherwise, do your usual stuff.