I have a model of this structure
public class MyModel {
private long firstCount;
private long secondCount;
private long thirdCount;
private long fourthCount;
public MyModel(firstCount,secondCount,thirdCount,fourthCount)
//Getters and setters
Assume that I have a list of these models with the following data
MyModel myModel1 = new MyModel(10,20,30,40);
MyModel myModel2 = new MyModel(50,60,70,80);
List<MyModel> modelList = Arrays.asList(myModel1, myModel2);
Supposing I want to find out the sum of firstCount in all the models, I could do this
Long collect = modelList.stream().collect
What if I want to find out sum of attributes in all the models in one pass ?Is there any way to achieve this ?
the output should be something like
Using MyModel
as accumulator:
MyModel reduced = modelList.stream().reduce(new MyModel(0, 0, 0, 0), (a, b) ->
new MyModel(a.getFirstCount() + b.getFirstCount(),
a.getSecondCount() + b.getSecondCount(),
a.getThirdCount() + b.getThirdCount(),
a.getFourthCount() + b.getFourthCount()));