Can someone explain me what is the use of super.paint(g)
where, g
is a Graphics
variable in Applets or awt or swings or in Java.
I have done research and found that it is used to override but what is the use of this override?
I am a beginner. If possible can you explain the difference between paint(g)
and super.paint(g)
with a small example
or please help me with this code?
Let us consider this code
This has only one paint declaration i.e; subclass's paint method declaration, no declaration for superclass's paint function... when we explicitly call superclass's paint function
what is the use of super.paint(g) and is it going to use superclass's paint declaration??
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
<applet code="superpaintDemo" height=768 width=1366>
class superpaintDemo extends Applet
public void paint(Graphics g)
g.drawString("This is Demo",200,200);
When it repaints, things drawn before are cleared.
Sorry, I can't have the reputation to post more than 2 links.
Then, I remove super.paint(g) in my own paint method.
You can see things drawn on the Panel before are still there.
When you add super.paint(g), in your method it will call the method in the superclass of this subclass.My class RussiaPanel extends JPanel, and JPanel extends JComponent. It will invoke the "public void paint(Graphic g)" method in JComponet, and the things on the Panel will be cleared.For more details, you can refer to the API docs.
Hope to help you, and forgive my poor English.