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Jasmine Node javascript promise testing

I want to test some promises with jasmine node. However, the test runs but it says that there are 0 assertions. This is my code, is there something wrong? The then part is successfully called, so if I have a console.log there, it gets called. If I have the code test a http request, on the success, the assertion is correctly interpretated.

describe('Unit tests', function () {
it("contains spec with an expectation", function() {
    service.getAllClients().then(function (res) {
        expect("hello world").toEqual("hello world");
    }).catch(function (err) {



  • You need to specify the done argument to the callback you pass to it, so Jasmine knows you are testing something asynchronously:

    it("contains spec with an expectation", function(done) {
        // ...

    When you include that parameter, Jasmine will wait for a while for you to call done so it knows when you're done.


    Secondly, in an asynchronous test, it probably is better to fail with a call of;