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Play Framework : Sending CSV file as an attachment

How to send a CSV file as an attachment in Play framework? I looked into the Play documentation by I didn't find what I'm looking for. I know I can return an input stream like that : ok( content, int chunkSize) but how to create and send the content to the csv file?


  • Play makes it easy to manipulate a HTTPResponse. You can find in the manual, how to add headers, set cookies etc. in a response.
    The implementation differs according to the use case:

    • Some string source is converted to csv file while sending to the client.
    • An existing csv file is sent to the client.

    Sending string as CSV file in a HTTPResponse

    Play 2.4

    static private final String CSV_FILE_NAME = "demo.csv";
    public Result string2CsvFile() {  
       String csvContent = "f1,f2,f3,f4";  
           String.format("attachment; filename=\"%s\"", CSV_FILE_NAME));  
       return ok(new ByteArrayInputStream(csvContent.getBytes()));  

    Play 2.5

    static private final String CSV_FILE_NAME = "demo.csv";
    public Result string2CsvFile() {  
       String csvContent = "f1,f2,f3,f4";  
                String.format("attachment; filename=\"%s\"", CSV_FILE_NAME));
        return ok(new ByteArrayInputStream(csvContent.getBytes())).as("text/csv");

    Sending existing CSV file in a HTTPResponse

    Play 2.4

    static private final String CSV_FILE_NAME = "demo.csv";
    public Result attachCsvFile() {  
                String.format("attachment; filename=\"%s\"", CSV_FILE_NAME));
        return ok(Play.application().getFile(CSV_FILE));

    Play 2.5

     static private final String CSV_FILE_NAME = "demo.csv";
     public Result attachCsvFile() {  
           String.format("attachment; filename=\"%s\"", CSV_FILE_NAME));
        return ok(Play.current().getFile(CSV_FILE)).as("text/csv");