Does anyone know if the Payflow Pro Gateway Java SDK will run on a 64 bit machine? (Specifically in ColdFusion CF9/10/11 if that makes any difference.)
The most recent version of the SDK is found here:
It is version (version 4.4.0).
I am running successful transactions from my local machine with CF9. I know that my Java VM is 64 bit, as per this setting seen in CF9:
Java VM Name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
But does this setting prove that the SDK is running fully on 64 bit? (My local machine is Window 7 with 32/64bit option, so it's hard for me to know for sure.)
The reason I ask is because I'm having trouble getting the SDK to work on a new Windows Server 2012.
Paypal says that the Java version requires Xerces Java Parser version 2.7.1 from Apache. I don't know what that is or if it's already on the server so that could be part of my problem. (I have no idea if it's on my local machine either.)
I have asked Paypal if it should work on 64 bit and they say no, but I doubt the competence of their front-line techs. (They are also telling me that the most recent version is 4.3 which of course is not true.)
Thank you!
We installed the Payflow java SDK a few weeks ago on an amd64 Windows Server 2012 R2 and it works great.
And we also got responses from PayPal saying that it should work in 64 bit, and that v4.4 is current and supported.
So that answers the question. Yes, it will work in 64 bit!
PS Anyone developing new PayPal integration on ColdFusion should probably use CFHTTP method instead as @WilGeno mentioned.
Thanks to @Leigh for all his help!