I need to do the following regex in Java:
Split a string at each comma that's not preceded by a backslash (ie. escaped) and is followed by zero or more whitespaces.
I've been trying this:
String str = "Name=Doe\, Jane, Hobby=Skiing, Height=1.70";
String[] parts = str.split("[^\\],\s*");
which is the correct syntax in Perl and works there. Not so in Java.
The above already throws an exception during compilation:
error: illegal escape character
String[] parts = str.split("[^\\],\s*");
Adding a third and fourth backslash in the character class doesn't help
Adding a second backslash to the whitespace allows it to compile,
String[] parts = str.split("[^\\],\\s*");
but then a runtime regex.PatternSyntaxException
occurs, stating an unclosed character class
java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Unclosed character class
near index 7
Clearly there's a backslash missing, and I can't get it in ... Can anybody tell me how this should be done in Java?
This regex
does what you want. You forgot to add two additional \\
String[] parts = str.split("[^\\\\],\\s*");
Like explained in this question: (java regex pattern unclosed character class)