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Add css and js only for other "page--node--x.tpl.php" in Drupal 7?

i would like to have other template for only page (in my case node/348), so i write that i must create other


but now how can add other external css and js file ? where ?

Maybe in template.php ?

Thanks a lot and sorry for my english :)


  • Make a hook_node_view in one of your custom module, then check the node id is 348 and inject your css and js like this :

    function nameOfYourModule_node_view($node, $view_mode, $langcode) {
      if ($node->nid == 348) {
        $node->content['#attached']['js'][] = array
          'type' => 'file',
          'data' => path_to_theme() . '/js/my_script.js',
          'group' => JS_THEME,
          'preprocess' => TRUE,
          'scope' => 'footer',
          'weight' => '999',