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How to run algorithms within elki-tutorial-0.7.0.jar?

I can run elki's algorithm with command like this:

java -jar elki-bundle-0.7.1.jar

But how to run algorithms within elki-tutorial-0.7.0.jar?


  • Add all jars you want to the classpath:

    java -cp elki-bundle-0.7.1.jar:elki-tutorial-0.7.0.jar de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.application.ELKILauncher

    If you have all jars in a folder jars, then

    java -cp "jars/*" de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.application.ELKILauncher

    If you use -cp, you need to give the main class with full class name. With -jar (which only supports a single jar), the class name is in the jar.