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How can I reformat Source Code for files without file extension in WebStorm 2016.1.3?

How can I reformat Source Code for files without file extension in WebStorm 2016.1.3 ?

Example: I've a automated_generated_json_file_without_extension in one line and the name of the files are always different. I don't want to configure all these file names in "File Types" Dialog and register new patterns.

In Sublime you can change the file type at the right bottom corner, is there a similar function in WebStorm?


  • Unfortunately you cannot change file type of the file on the fly in WebStorm.

    Possible workarounds:

    1. Have a set of files (e.g. test.json, test.js etc) somewhere in a project where you can copy-paste this file content, reformat it there and copy it back.

    2. Use "Scratch files" functionality (Tools | New Scratch File...) and then the same copy-paste content to reformat.