I would like to show off how much cleaner jQuery deferred objects can make the code instead of using the "callback hell".
I have no option to switch to Javascript's Promises.
Here is the "bad" code:
/* Callback Hell !? */
// Main
var stringToProcess = "1,2,3,4,5,6";
console.debug("Main Stack: start");
convertStringToArray(stringToProcess, function (convertedString){
convertToObject(convertedString, function(objectOfStrings){
resetObjectValues(objectOfStrings, function(object){
console.debug("Main Stack: end");
// Functions
function resetObjectValues(object, callback){
for(var key in object){
object[key] = "X";
setTimeout(function thirdcb(){
}, 500);
function convertToObject(string, callback){
var object = {};
string.map(function(current, index){
object[index] = current;
setTimeout(function secondcb(){
}, 500);
function convertStringToArray(string, callback){
var delimiter = ",";
var arrayString = string.split(delimiter);
setTimeout(function firstcb(){
}, 500);
And thats how I tried to make it better:
/* Promise Heaven... */
// Main
var stringToProcess = "1,2,3,4,5,6";
console.debug("Main Stack: start");
var promise;
promise = convertStringToArray(stringToProcess);
promise = convertToObject(string);
promise = resetObjectValues(object);
console.debug("Main Stack: end");
// Functions
function resetObjectValues(object, callback){
var deferred = $.Deferred();
for(var key in object){
object[key] = "X";
setTimeout(function thirdcb(){
}, 500);
return deferred.promise();
function convertToObject(string){
var deferred = $.Deferred();
var object = {};
string.map(function(current, index){
object[index] = current;
setTimeout(function secondcb(){
}, 500);
return deferred.promise();
function convertStringToArray(string){
var deferred = $.Deferred();
var delimiter = ",";
var arrayString = string.split(delimiter);
setTimeout(function firstcb(){
}, 500);
return deferred.promise();
...sadly the .done() code looks almost as bad as the "hell" one. I cannot figure our how to chain the returns of promises/deferred properly. I saw tutorials where they do it without arguments to the function calls. But I have arguments to throw in - so how to get along with that?
The chaining of promises should look somewhat like this:
return convertToObject(string);
return resetObjectValues(object);
Basically each (callback) function returns a new promise, which can then be used to attach others handlers to it. That way you don't need the nesting of callbacks like in your code.