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How to change the variable of all tabs of the tabbarcontroller from first tab?

I have @property NSString *memberid; in tabbarcontrller.

I will use it in all of it's viewcontorllers.

I want to update the memberid by one of it's viewcontroller. so that other view controller can use the new value.

How can I update the NSString?


  • I am doing something like this in one of my project,

    NSArray *tabArr = [self.tabBarController viewControllers];
    UINavigationController *navController1 = [tabArr objectAtIndex:1];
    DraftViewController *dvc = [navController1.viewControllers firstObject];
    dvc.screenTitle = self.screenTitle;
    UINavigationController *navController3 = [tabArr objectAtIndex:3];
    SentViewController *svc = [navController3.viewControllers firstObject];
    svc.screenTitle = self.screenTitle;
    UINavigationController *navController2 = [tabArr objectAtIndex:2];
    OutboxViewController *ovc = [navController2.viewControllers firstObject];
    ovc.screenTitle = self.screenTitle;

    I am doing that in my first tab (first viewcontroller of tabbarcontroller)

    I have embed navigationcontroller to every viewcontroller (tabs). So, i get first nav controller and then get VC(tab).

    If you don't have nav controller embed to your tab VC then [tabArr objectAtIndex:index] returns view controller directly.