Search code examples sidebar and ribbon is missing

One of my users has suddenly lost the Outlook sidebar and the ribbon band is replaced with another icon with the words "Save to Sharepoint" but it is deactivated (grey). Also there is no arrow to see options and no other choices available. We tried to uninstall and reinstall. Nothing changes. How do we get back the Outlook sidebar? /Susannevj


  • -In order to rule out any plugin conflict would you please check whether any additional plugins are enabled in Outlook - if so, disable (temporarily) all other add-ins except To disable Outlook add-ins • Go under File -> Options -> Add-ins -> Manage COM Add-ins and click Go... • Deselect all add-ins except and click OK.

    Restart Outlook - and go back under File -> Options -> Add-ins to verify that is the only add-in listed in the Active application add-ins section. Then please run the following recovery procedure:

    -Please stop Outlook.

    -Uninstall from control panel, program feature

    -Delete all dirs. C:\Users[user_name]\AppData\Local\Microsoft_Corporation\harmony_Path_pzllr20oqrnqmrstb3lfbn4njpshdzry (path can slightly change)

    -Delete C:\Users[user_name]\AppData\Local\Mainsoft

    -Register the registry key at: ftp://free:[email protected]/

    -Register the PreferredCLRversion registry key at ftp://free:[email protected]/

    -Reinstall latest version from the below link ftp://free:[email protected]/HarmonieSharePointSetup.x86.msi

    -Start Outlook