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GLSL Procedural Texture

can someone help me, i need to make some procedural textures in shader program GLSL, i have one of them but i need all and i don't know how to do them. - This can be useful

This is what i have:

    #version 140

in vec2 texCoord; 

out vec4 fColor; 

    void main()
        const float size = 10.0; 

        fColor = vec4(mod(floor(size * texCoord.t) + floor(size * texCoord.s), 2.0) + (mod(floor(size * texCoord.s),2.0) * mix(  vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) , ( vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) ), (fract(size * texCoord.s) + fract(size * texCoord.t))/2.0 )));


And this is what i need to do


  • Try this for the second one:

    const float num = 6.0;
    const float wid = 0.1;
    const vec4 c_back = vec4(0.55, 0.35, 0.0, 1.0);
    const vec4 c_edge = vec4(0.28, 0.48, 0.05, 1.0);
    const vec4 c_beam = vec4(0.19, 0.77, 0.06, 1.0);
    float y = mod(texcoord.t, 1.0 / (num - 1.0)) * (num - 1.0);
    float dy = (y < 0.5) ? y : 1.0 - y;
    fColor = (dy > wid) ? c_back : mix(c_beam, c_edge, dy / wid);
    float x = mod(texcoord.s, 1.0 / (num - 1.0)) * (num - 1.0);
    float dx = (x < 0.5) ? x : 1.0 - x;
    if (dx <= wid) fColor = mix(c_beam, c_edge, dx / wid);

    And for the third:

    const float num = 3.5;
    const float gap = 0.03;
    const vec4 c_insd = vec4(0.05, 0.30, 0.57, 1.0);
    const vec4 c_back = vec4(0.75, 0.73, 0.73, 1.0);
    const float reg = 0.5 / num;
    float rx = texcoord.s / reg,
          ry = texcoord.t / reg;
    float x = fract(rx), 
          y = fract(ry);
    if (x < gap || x > 1.0 - gap || y < gap || y > 1.0 - gap)
       fColor = c_back;
       if (mod(floor(rx) + floor(ry), 2.0) == 0.0)
          fColor = (y - x > 0.5 || x - y > 0.5) ? c_back : c_insd;
          fColor = (y + x < 0.5 || x + y > 1.5) ? c_back : c_insd;