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extjs6 theming guide - mixing not being recognized

I am following the ExtJS6 theming guide and creating my first mixin on a panel. I've created a theme in packages/local/my-classic-theme2/sass/var/panel/Panel.scss The panel is not being changed when I run and I am getting the following errors. in the panel.scss it says undeclared mixin.

sencha app watch error in pictureenter image description here

am I missing a step?

@include extjs-panel-ui(
    $ui: 'highlight-framed',
    $ui-header-background-color: red,
    $ui-border-color: red,
    $ui-header-border-color: red,
    $ui-body-border-color: red,
    $ui-border-width: 5px,
    $ui-border-radius: 5px,
    $ui-header-color: white

and I put this on the actual panel

ui: 'highlight',
frame: true,


  • Here is what I did:

    Created a new app with the following command

    sencha -sdk <path to ext 6.0.2> generate app -ext MyApp MyTestApp

    cd MyTestApp

    sencha generate theme --extend theme-classic my-classic-theme2

    Created the folder panel inside packages/local/my-classic-theme2/sass/src and created a file Panel.scss inside that folder.

    Edited that file and pasted your code as is:

    @include extjs-panel-ui(
        $ui: 'highlight-framed',
        $ui-header-background-color: red,
        $ui-border-color: red,
        $ui-header-border-color: red,
        $ui-body-border-color: red,
        $ui-border-width: 5px,
        $ui-border-radius: 5px,
        $ui-header-color: white

    Edited the classic/src/view/main/Main.js file and replaced the items block with this:

    items: [{
        title: 'Home',
        iconCls: 'fa-home',
        // The following grid shares a store with the classic version's grid as well!
        items: [{
            xtype: 'mainlist'
    }, {
        title: 'Users',
        iconCls: 'fa-user',
        items : [{
            xtype: 'panel',
            frame: true,
            ui: 'highlight',
            title: 'Testing my highlight panel',
            items: [{
                xtype: 'textfield',
                fieldLabel: 'Foo',
                value: 'Bar'

    And finally edited app.json and made sure my "theme" is pointing to my-classic-theme2

    Ran sencha app watch and went to http://localhost:1841

    My Users tab displayed the panel with red title like it should.

    highlight ui