How to use menu item tooltips? When I add a new menu item in fragment.e4xmi there is a "tooltip" text field in properties editor window, but when I run the application I see no tooltips. Should I do something tricky to enable them? I've seen on the Internet that it was an issue before, but I assume it should be already fixed since properties editor suggests me to enter a tooltip. Setting tooltip via setTooltip() method programmatically doesn't work either. I use Mars.1 Release (4.5.1).
I think this is Eclipse bug 473779. Tool tips for menu items don't work in Eclipse 4.5.2 and earlier. This has been fixed in Eclipse Neon (4.6.0) due to be released shortly (June 2016).
I confirmed this testing on Mac OS X. Eclipse 4.5.2 doesn't show tool tips, Eclipse 4.6.0 does.