I am trying to build a new design on an old system that is using DOJO, eventually we are going to move to AJAX to handle the data calls. Is there a default or minified CSS file so I don't have to use their themes? (i.e. Claro, which is the theme that was and still is applied)
It says you can make custom themes, but there has to be a bare bones version out there somewhere.
Thanks for your time.
The bare minium CSS is available in dijit.css
(you can see the file on the CDN: https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/dojo/1.10.0/dijit/themes/dijit.css)
As dojo team says about this file :
Essential styles that themes can inherit.
In other words, works but doesn't look great.
So be aware it will be ugly!
But you can build your own theme starting from that.