I have the following situation:
let private runStatement (vars : Map<identifier, value>) stmt =
match stmt with
| Assignment (id, expr) -> runAssignment vars id expr
| Print exprs -> runPrint vars exprs
| Read id -> runRead vars id
| If (cond, stmts) -> runIf vars cond stmts
let rec private runStatements vars stmts =
match stmts with
| stmt::rest ->
let newVars = runStatement vars stmt
runStatements newVars rest
| [] -> vars
let private runIf vars conditionalValue statements =
match conditionalValue with
| Boolean v when v -> runStatements vars statements
| Boolean v -> vars
| _ -> failwith "Not a boolean expression in if statement"
As you can see, function runStatement
calls runIf
, and runIf
calls runStatement
, because an if-statement is formed by some general statements, and a general statement can be an if-statement.
How can I solve this situation?
PS.: I have similar situations with other functions like runWhile
, runIfElse
et cetera.
Use the 'and' keyword
let rec runx () =
printf "runx"
runy ()
and runy () =
printf "runy"
runx ()
runx () |> ignore