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instafeed.js: The access_token provided is invalid

Is anyone else experiencing issues with their Instagram feed using instafeed.js?

I've been getting the getting the following javascript console error since about 5 days ago, which was perviously working fine.

Uncaught Error: Error from Instagram: The access_token provided is invalid

This is my code:

if ($('#instafeed').length == 1) {
    var feed = new Instafeed({
        get: 'user',
        userId: USER_ID,
        clientId: 'CLIENT_ID',
        template: '<div class="columns small-6 medium-4 large-3"><div class="instagram-image-wraper"><a class="test" href="{{link}}"><img src="{{image}}" /></a></div></div>',
        resolution: 'low_resolution',
        limit: 12,

I'm unsure if this is related to the platform policy updates that were mentioned a few days ago -


  • Instagram has changed their policy and instafeed.js requires access token now.

    You can create an access token with this site.

    After creating an access token, you can use instafeed.js like this:

    var feed = new Instafeed({
        get: 'user',
        userId: 'UserID',
        clientId: 'ClientID',
        resolution: 'low_resolution',
        template: '<div class="columns small-6 medium-4 large-3"><div class="instagram-image-wraper"><a class="test" href="{{link}}"><img src="{{image}}" /></a></div></div>',
        limit: 12,