I know that there is a responsive feature for revolution-slider, but unfortunately it still loads all the mobile assets on desktop and vice versa, adding time to the page-load.
So I'd prefer to have 2 distinct sliders, one per device.
What's the best solution for this?
It depends on how you are setting your revslider in your pages.
I think that the best way to achieve what you really want (need) is using php with conditional rules:
1) In your templates with conditional based on mobile detection. This way you will avoid loading 2 revslider at the same time.
You could use wp_is_mobile()
conditional wordpress function for this purpose:
if ( !wp_is_mobile() ) {
echo do_shortcode('[rev_slider alias="my_desktop_slider"]');
// mobile devices
echo do_shortcode('[rev_slider alias="my_mobile_slider"]');
2) In a custom shortcode with that conditional:
if( !function_exists('rev_slider_detection') ) {
function rev_slider_detection( $atts ) {
'alias' => '' // the alias name of your desktop rev-slider
), $atts));
$output = '[rev_slider alias="';
if ( !wp_is_mobile() ) {
// For desktop only
$output .= $alias . '"]';
} else {
// For mobile only
$output .= $alias . '_mob"]';
return $output;
// or (because untested)
// return do_shortcode('" . $output . "');
add_shortcode('my_rev', 'rev_slider_detection');
You will use it this way: [my_rev alias="my_revslider_alias_slug"]
and you will need to have 2 instance of a rev slider, the first one for desktop with some alias name ( home
for example) and the second one for mobile with same alias name + "_mob" ( home_mob
for example).
You can also elaborate a more accurate script to detect tablets and phones, then use it as a conditional for different devices types.