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How can use a filter in my AngularJS precisely on an ng-bind?

I tried to use this simple filter :

App.filter('MyCutFilter', function ()
    return function(input)
        return input.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '');

On a element of ng-repeat like this :

<tr ng-repeat="jf in ctrl.Files" class="tablerow">
    <td><span ng-bind=""></span></td>
    <td><span class="filename" ng-bind="jf.FileName | MyCutFilter"></span></td>

But i got the following error :

Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: CutFilterProvider <- CutFilter <- UpFileController

What can i do to correct it ?

Thanks for your help in adavance.


  • finally i created my own service like this :

    'use strict';
    App.factory('UtilsService', [function(nameTable){
        return {
                   parseTheseNames: function ParseThesesNames(nameTable){
                        for (var i=0; i < nameTable.length; i++)
                            nameTable[i].upFileName = nameTable[i].upFileName.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '');
                            //console.log("obj " + d[i].upFileName);

    And i am using it like this :

    App.controller('FileController',[..., 'UtilsService',...,
    function(..., UtilsService, ...){
        self.upFiles = d;

    I changed what i wanted to get the return of the data directly from a callback to be able to parse the filename earlier.

    Thanks for the help and the documentation.