I have a button that calls clip function. I need to pass values from ngOnInit to that function but i can't. I get undefined error for (for example) this.firstX. How can i pass values from ngOnInit to functions?
export class AppAppComponent implements OnInit {
public firstX: number;
public firstY: number;
public lastX: number;
public lastY: number;
constructor(mdIconRegistry: MdIconRegistry) {
.registerFontClassAlias('fontawesome', 'fa');
ngOnInit() {
let canvas = new fabric.Canvas('cLeft');
let src = "../../images/kupurSecond.jpg";
canvas.on('mouse:down', function (event) {
var position = canvas.getPointer(event.e);
this.firstX = position.x;
this.firstY = position.y;
canvas.on('mouse:up', function (event) {
var position = canvas.getPointer(event.e);
this.lastX = position.x;
this.lastY = position.y;
// ReLoading Image
loadImage(src, canvas, this.firstX, this.firstY, this.lastX, this.lastY);
loadImage(src, canvas);
public clip() {
You have to use the arrow notation to remain the same this
canvas.on('mouse:down', (event) => {
var position = canvas.getPointer(event.e);
this.firstX = position.x;
this.firstY = position.y;
Same goes for the mouse:up
function. Just never use the word function
in typescript, and you are golden