I am trying to filter some hard coded data in an Ember route which is being provided by mirage and having trouble.
Either Ember moans at my syntax (when trying to use filter
on the store) or it doesn't return any data when I use findAll
and then use the JS filter method on the objects.
Attempt 1 - Using findAll():
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model() {
return {
txSites: this.get('store').findAll('site').filter((site) => {
return site.siteType === 'tx';
<select class="form-control">
{{#each model.txSites as |site|}}
<option value="{{site.id}}">{{site.name}}</option>
Mirage endpoint
this.get('/sites', () => {
return {
data: [{
type: 'site',
id: 1,
attributes: {
name: 'London',
siteType: 'tx'
type: 'site',
id: 2,
attributes: {
name: 'Bristol',
siteType: 'rx'
Successful request: GET /sites Object {data: Array[2]}
But nothing bound to the dropdown (other calls where I'm not trying to filter the results work ok).
Attempt #2 : Using filter
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model() {
return {
txSites: this.get('store').filter('site', (site) => {
return site.siteType === 'tx';
No call made to API
Attempt #3 : using filter
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model() {
return {
txSites: this.get('store').filter('site', { siteType: 'tx' }, (site) => {
return site.siteType === 'tx';
}).then((results) => { return results })
Successful request: GET /sites?siteType=tx Object {data: Array[2]}
But no data bound to the select item.
It feels like I'm missing something basic here. Using ember 2.5 and ember data 1.13.
Is there a recommended way to approach this?
Attempt #4 - findAll with RSVP hash:
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model() {
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
oneThing: this.store.findAll('oneThing'),
anotherThing: this.store.findAll('anotherThing'),
txSites: this.store.findAll('site').filter((site) => {
return site.siteType === 'tx';
Both the calls to oneThing
and anotherThing
bind ok, but txSites
does not.
As a further test I removed the .filter
from the txSites
property and this happily returns the whole dataset and binds ok (so I'm happy that it's the filter causing the problem and the binding is ok).
Attempt #5
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model() {
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
oneThing: this.store.findAll('oneThing'),
anotherThing: this.store.findAll('anotherThing'),
txSites: this.store.findAll('site')
.then(results => results.filter((site) => {
return site.siteType === 'tx';
No data returned, console logging the site
inside the filter seems to be a promise not the result of the resolved promise.
You should just filter after the 'findAll' promise resolves, like this:
model() {
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
oneThing: this.store.findAll('oneThing'),
anotherThing: this.store.findAll('anotherThing'),
txSites: this.store.findAll('site')
.then(results => results.filter((site) => {
return site.get('siteType') === 'tx';
Also in the mirage you should use dasherized values, so 'site-type' instead of siteType.