I am not a 100% on how to do this yet . But I will explain the situation first.
I am letting a user search for book and give 10 recommendations based on the first result in search . I store the recommended Books in RecommendBooks(POJO)
once I have the recommended books I am getting the review on each book storing in another POJO BookReview(POJO)
Intention : Now I want to show the recommeded book based on the review
I am kind of stuck on how to sort the reviews and not basically create a copy of RecommendedBooks that is orderd based on review.
Anyone has any good way of doing this?
Take these classes:
class Book {
String id;
String name;
class Review {
String bookId;
String text;
class QueryResult {
Book book;
Review review;
First you get 10 recommended Books:
List<Book> recommended = queryFor10RecommendedBooks();
Then get the reviews and wrap everything in List<QueryResult>
List<QueryResult> result = recommended.stream()
.map(b -> new QueryResult(book, getReviewForBook(b)))
This code will query one Review at a time. You can also optimize it to query all reviews for all 10 Books, and then afterwards put them together. Depends on your data structure / database what is faster.
Other nice way would be to have a result as Map<Book, Review>
which is simple as well:
Map<Book, Review> result = recommended.stream()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Function.identity(), b -> getReviewForBook(b)));