I desire to stream data with yaws
to my comet application, I have read and worked around to understand it but the example from yaws seems to be a little complicated for me (I am new to Erlang). I just cannot get my head around...
here is the example from yaws (I modified a little bit):
out(A) ->
%% Create a random number
{_A1, A2, A3} = now(),
random:seed(erlang:phash(node(), 1),
erlang:phash(A2, A3),
Sz = random:uniform(1),
Pid = spawn(fun() ->
%% Read random junk
S="Hello World",
P = open_port({spawn, S}, [binary,stream, eof]),
rec_loop(A#arg.clisock, P)
[{header, {content_length, Sz}},
{streamcontent_from_pid, "text/html; charset=utf-8", Pid}].
rec_loop(Sock, P) ->
{discard, YawsPid} ->
yaws_api:stream_process_end(Sock, YawsPid);
{ok, YawsPid} ->
rec_loop(Sock, YawsPid, P)
rec_loop(Sock, YawsPid, P) ->
{P, {data, BinData}} ->
yaws_api:stream_process_deliver(Sock, BinData),
rec_loop(Sock, YawsPid, P);
{P, eof} ->
yaws_api:stream_process_end(Sock, YawsPid)
What I need is to transform the above script to which can be combined with the following.
mysql:start_link(p1, "", "root", "azzkikr", "mydb"),
{data, Results} = mysql:fetch(p1, "SELECT*FROM messages WHERE id > " ++ LASTID),
{mysql_result, FieldNames, FieldValues, NoneA, NoneB} = Results,
parse_data(FieldValues, [], [], [], [], [])
Where parse_data(FieldValues, [], [], [], [], [])
returns a JSON string of the entry..
Combined this script should constantly check for a new entry into database and if there is, it should fetch as comet should.
Thank you, May you all go to paradise!
As this answer explains, sometimes you need to have a process running that's independent of any incoming HTTP requests. For your case, you can use a form of publish/subscribe:
Detailing a full solution here is impractical, but the general steps are:
group or something similar. Use something like poolboy
instead of rolling your own process pools, as they're notoriously tricky to get right. Each database client can be an instance of a gen_server
running a query, receiving database results, and also handling subscription request calls.gen_server:call/2,3
to communicate with the actual gen_server
publisher process. The subscriber uses Yaws streaming capabilities (or SSE or WebSocket) to complete the connection with the HTTP client and sends it any required response headers.