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how to change postition of digits in an integer in c

The problem is as follows: I need to write a function that takes a four digit integer and then encrypts the number in this manner: take each digit and replace it by (c + 7)% 10; and then swap the first digit with the third and the second with the last digit; and then returns the encrypted integer. I have managed to write this much of code thus far:

#include <stdlib.h>
#define N 100

int encrypt(int a){
  int n=0,i;
  for (i=0;i<4;i++){
    n = a%10;
    a = a/10;
    n = (n+7)%10;

void main()
  int a;
  printf("Enter the four digit integer: ");

I am getting correct output for the conversion but I have no idea how to swap the position of digits.


  • The easiest solution would be:

    int encrypt(int value) {
        int first = value / 1000;
        int second = (value / 100) % 10;
        int third = (value / 10) % 10;
        int fourth = value % 10;
        first = (first + 7) % 10;
        second = (second + 7) % 10;
        third = (third + 7) % 10;
        fourth = (fourth + 7) % 10;
        return third * 1000 + fourth * 100 + first * 10 + second;