We have a 3rd party amazon-glacier vault which we want to access and download data form there. Is there a way via the JAVA SDK/3rd party library to get the list of archiveIDs that are present in a vault ? As I far I played around with the sdk, the describeVault() returns only the number of archives in the vault, and not the list itself. If I get the list of archiveIDs I can create/initiate jobs for all the archives as per my use case. The boto python library does have this functionality, is there a way to do this in JAVA ?
Yes, this is possible in Java, as is in all AWS SDKs.
There are two steps to retrieve a list of archives that are present in a vault:
(docs) to request an inventory retrieval, with type
in JobParameters
set to inventory-retrieval
Wait a couple of hours for the job to complete, and then
(docs) to retrieve the inventory, which contains the list of archives and their corresponding archiveIDs in one vault.