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Boolean not changing in thread

I have a class MPClient and MultiplayerMatch. MultiplayerMatch, in his constructor, creates a MPClient runnable thread.

To avoid data overflow, I have a boolean named "moved" in MultiplayerMatch that changes to true when the player is moving.

In the updateMatch method, if there's any player movement, "moved" changes to true, which allow MPClient to enter an if statment (inside while). This way MPClient only sends data to the server when something changes on the game.

Neverthless, when the flag is true, in MPClient that change is not registed! MPClient still "thinks" moved equals false, even after that flag changed in MultiplayerMatch, and as a consequence, nothing is sent to the server...

After a few tests, I noticed that if I run it in Debug Mode, since I have some breakpoints, that change is registered and everything works great! Why is the boolean change only "seen" though Debug Mode? Does it have something to do with the app "running speed", since there are breakpoints?

Here's only the important part of the code:


public class MPClient {
static final int TIME_OUT = 5000;
Client client;
MultiPlayMatch match;

public MPClient(String name, int team, MultiPlayMatch match) {
    this.match = match;
    client = new Client();


    try {
        client.connect(TIME_OUT, "", Network.PORT);
    } catch (IOException e) {

    /*this comment is just to show that here is the place where the login information is sent to the server, instead of showing all the code*/

    PlayerInfo playerInfo = new PlayerInfo();
    Network.UpdatePlayer updatePlayer = new Network.UpdatePlayer(); = name; = team;

    while(true) {
        if(match.moved) {       //--> this is the variable that is always false
            playerInfo.x = match.getClientPlayerX(team);
            playerInfo.y = match.getClientPlayerY(team);

            updatePlayer.x = playerInfo.x;
            updatePlayer.y = playerInfo.y;
            match.moved = false;


private void addListeners() {
    client.addListener(new Listener.ThreadedListener(new Listener() {
        public void received(Connection connection, Object object) {
            if(object instanceof Network.UpdatePlayer) {
                Network.UpdatePlayer updatePlayer = (Network.UpdatePlayer) object;
                match.setPlayerPosition(updatePlayer.x, updatePlayer.y,,;


public class MultiPlayMatch extends Match {

public boolean moved;

public MultiPlayMatch(){

    Random r = new Random();
    int aux = r.nextInt(2);
    aux = 0;
    if(aux == 0){
        homeTeam = new Team("Benfica", Team.TeamState.Attacking, w);
        visitorTeam = new Team("Porto", Team.TeamState.Defending, w);
    } else{
        homeTeam = new Team("Benfica", Team.TeamState.Defending, w);
        visitorTeam = new Team("Porto", Team.TeamState.Attacking, w);

    numberOfPlayers = 0;
    moved = false;

public void updateMatch(float x, float y, Rain rain, float dt) {
    homeTeam.updateControlledPlayerOnline(x, y);

    w.step(Constants.GAME_SIMULATION_SPEED, 6, 2);

    if(x != 0 || y != 0) moved = true;      //this is the place the variable is changed, but if it isn't in debug mode, MPClient thinks it's always false

public void setPlayerPosition(float x, float y, String name, int team) {
    if(team == 0)
        homeTeam.changePlayerPosition(x, y, name);
        visitorTeam.changePlayerPosition(x, y, name);


  • volatile

    This is because it is reading a cached value of match.moved variable instead of the latest. To avoid this, declare the variable as volatile

    public volatile boolean moved;

    Read more here