I am making the game "Connect Four".
The players have to enter a number between 1-4 so that the disc will drop into one of the columns. I am currently working on the first column. The problem is that you can enter any character and it will work (it only needs to work when you press '1') and I cant figure out how to fix it.
Moreover, the number appears on the left side of the screen. How do I make it so when I enter the number it won't show on the screen?
cmp [Player1Turn], 255
je Player1Pressed1
mov ah, 1
int 21h
cmp al, 31h
je Player1Check1
cmp [FirstColumnArray], 0
inc [FirstColumnArray]
je DrawPlayer1Disc
cmp [FirstColumnArray + 1], 0
inc [FirstColumnArray]
je DrawPlayer1Disc
cmp [FirstColumnArray + 2], 0
inc [FirstColumnArray]
je DrawPlayer1Disc
cmp [FirstColumnArray + 3], 0
inc [FirstColumnArray]
je DrawPlayer1Loop
mov bh,0h
mov cx,[Player1Draw1x]
mov dx,[Player1Draw1y]
mov al,[player1disccolor]
mov ah,0ch
int 10h
inc [Player1Draw1x]
cmp cx, 38h
jl DrawPlayer1Loop
mov bh, 0h
inc [Player1Draw1y]
mov [Player1Draw1x], 25h
cmp dx, 09Bh
jl DrawPlayer1Loop
When run my project looks like this:
mov ah, 1 int 21h cmp ah, 31h
The DOS function that you used produces a result in the AL register!
Use cmp al, 31h
to compare for a "1" keypress.
To not have the input echoed on the screen use DOS function 7 in stead of 1.
mov ah, 7
int 21h
cmp al, 31h
Player1Pressed1: mov ah, 1 int 21h cmp al, 31h je Player1Check1 Player1Check1:
With this code you always execute the code at Player1Check1. You need to jump away from it when the input is not "1". Add a jmp
mov ah, 1
int 21h
cmp al, 31h
je Player1Check1