I have a collection of documents called games who looks like this
{ winner: 'oakis', loser: 'test' },
{ winner: 'test', loser: 'oakis' }
Now I would like MongoDB to output this:
{ _id: 'oakis', wins: 1, losses: 1 },
{ _id: 'test', wins: 1, losses: 1 }
I have been looking at aggregation, mapReduce and distinct with no success. I'm hoping you can help me!
I have a field called "tied" which is a boolean as well. How can I implement tied games as well in the results? (There is also a field for each player in the game, player1 & player2)
Result should be:
{ _id: 'name', wins: 3, losses: 1, tied: 1 }
Solved it like this!
$project: {
scores: [
{ name: '$winner', wins: { $literal: 1 }, losses: { $literal: 0 }, tied: { $literal: 0 } },
{ name: '$loser', wins: { $literal: 0 }, losses: { $literal: 1 }, tied: { $literal: 0 } },
{ name: '$player1', wins: { $literal: 0 }, losses: { $literal: 0 }, tied: { $cond: [ "$tied", 1, 0 ] } },
{ name: '$player2', wins: { $literal: 0 }, losses: { $literal: 0 }, tied: { $cond: [ "$tied", 1, 0 ] } }
$unwind: '$scores'
$group: {
_id: "$scores.name",
wins: { $sum: "$scores.wins" },
losses: { $sum: "$scores.losses" },
tied: { $sum: "$scores.tied" }
With the aggregation framework you could use a pipeline like the following. Essentially it first projects the data into a 2 element array of the the form [{name: $winner, wins: 1, losses: 0}, {name: $loser, wins: 0, losses: 1}]
, then unwinds the array to produce single element arrays which are then grouped by name and the wins and loses are summed up.
$project: {
scores: [
{ name: '$winner', wins: { $literal: 1 }, losses: { $literal: 0 } },
{ name: '$loser', wins: { $literal: 0 }, losses: { $literal: 1 } }
$unwind: '$scores'
$group: {
_id: "$scores.name",
wins: { $sum: "$scores.wins" },
losses: { $sum: "$scores.losses" }