I've set up leaflet.js correctly, and the map renders as expected in my app. However, I keep getting the following error message: The "center" property is not defined in the main scope
. What am I doing wrong?
In my view:
<leaflet markers="markers" center="osloCenter"></leaflet>
In my controller:
function MapCtrl($scope) {
angular.extend($scope, {
osloCenter: {
lat: 59.91,
lng: 10.75,
zoom: 12
markers: {
osloMarker: {
lat: 59.91,
lng: 10.75,
focus: true,
draggable: false
defaults: {
scrollWheelZoom: false
I've also tried the following:
scope.osloCenter = {
lat : 59.91,
lng : 10.75,
zoom : 12
$scope.osloMarker = {
lat: 59.91,
lng: 10.75,
focus: true,
draggable: false
The object needs to be initialised at app level (i.e app.js) at $rootScope:
function runBlock($rootScope) {
angular.extend($rootScope, {
center: {},
markers: {},
then the required values can be set within the controller:
var centerLat = parseFloat($stateParams.lat);
var centerLng = parseFloat($stateParams.lon);
$scope.center = {
lat: centerLat,
lng: centerLng,
zoom: 15
$scope.markers = {
marker: {
lat: centerLat,
lng: centerLng,
focus: true,
draggable: false